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A Clinical Study of Comorbid Eating Disorders in Female Methamphetamine Abusers, Third report: In comparison with female alcohol abusers with eating disorders Toshihiko MATSUMOTO 1,2 , Tomohiro MIYAKAWA 1,3 , Tatsuo YABANA 1 , Hiroshi IIZUKA 1,4 , Hideji KISHIMOTO 1 1Kanagawa Psychiatric Center, Serigaya Hospital 2Department of Psychiatry, Yokohama City University School of Medicine 3Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Alcohol Center, Kurihama Hospital 4Yokohama General Health and Medical Center Keyword: Alcohol , Eating disorders , Female , Methamphetamine , Substance abuse pp.651-659
Published Date 2001/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1405902446
  • Abstract
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 We retrospectively studied the clinical features of female methamphetamine (MAP) abusers with eating disorders (ED) and compared them with female alcohol (AL) abusers with ED. Of the female MAP abusers with ED and the female AL abusers with ED who had had their first consultation at the Kanagawa Psychiatric Center, Serigaya Hospital from June 1997 to July 1999, 21 female MAP abusers with ED (group MAP) and 16 female AL abusers with ED (group AL) were selected to participate in the study. The clinical characteristics of the two groups were compared

 The results were as follows:

 1. The group MAP was significantly younger, and had significantly lower education and more criminal records than the group AL.

 2. In the group MAP, the onset of ED was significantly earlier than in the group AL.

 The members of group MAP were classified into group MAP I with precedence of ED onset (13 cases) and group MAP II with precedence of MAP abuse onset (8 cases). The group MAP I and the group MAP II were compared with the group AL with regard to their symptoms of ED.

 The results were as follows:

 3. Although the group MAP II was significantly different from the other two groups in the subtypes and symptoms of ED (because of lack of anorexia nervosa, binge eating and purging type and anorexic episodes), the group MAP I had a lot in common with the group AL.

 4. The group MAP I tended to have significantly less anorexic episodes than the group AL. However, the group MAP I tended to have significantly more impulsive behavior such as stealing and wrist cutting episodes than the group AL.

 Based on these results, we considered that the group MAP had life backgrounds and antisocial tendencies similar to those which MAP abusers have already been reported to have in Japan, and we speculated about the fact that the group MAP I, because of their primary ED onset preceding substance abuse, was more impulsive than the group AL although both groups had similar subtypes of ED.

Copyright © 2001, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-126X 印刷版ISSN 0488-1281 医学書院


