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抄録 Anorexia Nervosaに罹患した26歳の女性で母親を殺害した症例を報告した。
We reported a case of Anorexia Nervosa, a 26-year-old female patient who commited matricide.
The case fullfiled completely the diagnostic criteria laid down by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Japan9).
There was no family history of psychiatric diseases. There was nothing particular in her past history except that she was born by Caesarean section, because of her mother's contracted pelvis. Her menarche was in her 12th year, and the menstrual cycle had been regular until the onset of the present disease. The parents, especially the mother had spoilt the patient, their only child. Her premorbid character was punctilious and shy, but at the same time, she had a tendency to be somewhat ego-centric.

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