

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case of "Delayed Postanoxic Enccphalo-pathy" after Nitrogen Brcathing Yuji Odagaki 1 , Tetsuro Omori 1 , Tadayuki Hayashishita 2 , Yutaka Asano 2 1Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, Hokkaido University School of Medicine 2Department of Neuropsychiatry, Muroran City Hospital Keyword: Cercbral anoxia , Nitrogen , Delayed postanoxic encephalopathy , Acute carbon monoxide poisoning , Interval form pp.687-694
Published Date 1986/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1405204167
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 A 28-year-old steelworker entered a large factory room containing almost pure nitrogen mixed with less than 10% of oxgen, on Mar. 6, 1985. He lost consciousness and was rescued 10-20 minutes later. He was deeply comatose and unresponsive for a few hours, and then gradually became alert. Though severely apractic and agnostic, he appeared entirely well till about a month after the anoxic accident, when he became confused and unresponsive again, and sometimes delirious in the night. He was treated with Oxygen under High Pressure (OHP) and regained alertness approximately a month later.

 CT scan on Mar. 11 revealed diffuse subcortical decreased density signifying brain edema, but on Apr. 13 there appeared diffuse cerebral atrophy with decreased density of bilateral putaminal regions. In addition, on April 18 there occurred decreased density in the heads and part of the bodies of bilatreal nuclei. Repeated electroencephalographic examination showed unchanged flat EEGs. Singlephoton emission computed tomography using Xe-133 inhalation method revealed that the mean regional cerebral blood flow was related to the patient's consciousness level. Thus, it was markedly decreased on Apr. 23 when he was suffering from relapsing consciousness disturbance, but was increased near to normal range on Jun. 12 when he was alert again. The NMR-CT finding was identical with the CT finding on Apr. 18, except for the indefinite finding that low density areas were scattered in the white matter.

 The anoxic accident was investigated and it was confirmed that the patient suffered from pure hypoxic hypoxia which was not influenced by stagnant, anaemic, or histotoxic factors. The peculiar clinical course appeared to be similar to incomplete "interval form" after acute carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication and was considered to be consistent with "delayed postanoxic encephalopathy" described by Plum. It is necessary infuture to accumulate such cases as this one with anoxic encephalopathy not due to CO intoxication, in order to investigate the pathogenesis of "delayed postanoxic encephalopathy".

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-126X 印刷版ISSN 0488-1281 医学書院


