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The patient was a 33-year-old male. Frequent epi-sodes of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT) andparoxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAf) were documentedin the Holter monitoring. Several antiarrhythmic drugsfailed to prevent the tachycardias, so the patient cameto our hospital to undergo catheter ablation. In theelectrophysiologic study, incessant PAT was observed.Although the entrainment phenomenon was not obser-ved during rapid atrial pacing, warm-up and cool-downphenomenon was observed in recorded PAT episodes.The earliest activation during PAT was observed at theposterior atrial septum and the atrial activation at thatsite preceded the onset of the P wave by 30 msec.Catheter ablation performed at that site successfullyterminated the tachycardia and the tachycardia couldno longer be induced. The atrial effective refractoryperiod was shortened to 170~180 msec immediatelyafter the procedure. After the ablation procedure, noPAT was observed in ECG monitoring but spontaneousPAf of short duration did occur. However, the frequencyof PAf episodes decreased gradually during the follow-ing 4 days, until it disappeared completely on the 5thday. Release from the electrical remodeling caused byfrequent PAT was a possible mechanism to explain thegradual disappearance of PAf after the ablation proce-dure.
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