

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Bronchiectasis treated with negative extra-thoracic pressure ventilation Kazuhiro Kaneko 1 , Yoshiki Takekawa 1 , Hiromasa Suzuki 1 , Akihiko Takehara 1 , Osamu Yamaguchi 1 , Yutaka Usuda 1 , Yoshito Okutsu 1 1Department of Anesthesiology, Yokohama City University pp.559-562
Published Date 1989/5/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404205481
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A 25-year old man with 5-year history of bron-chiectasis was admitted to the ICU complaining of severe shortness of breath. He had a respiratory rate of 40 to 50 breath/min. On 0.5 l/min of oxy-gen with nasal cannula, arterial blood pH was 7. 39, PaCO2, 52.3 mmHg, PaO2 45.0 mmHg. Then, on 1 // min of oxygen, PaO2 was unchanged, but PaCO2 increased to 58 mmHg. As his consciousness was so clear, we applied to him the negative extra-thoracic pressue ventilator which was designed by the aut-hors. Negative extra-thoracic pressure ventilation (NETPV) was maintained at a IMV rate of 30 bre-ath/min, peak negative extra-thoracic pressure of -20 to -30 cmH2O, and an inspiratory/expiratory ratio of 1:2. During NETPV, his respiratory rate and oxygen consumption were decreased and PaO2 was increased compared with his spontaneous brea-thing. He made a recovery from dyspnea, especially, he was able to take a deep breath. When NETPV was applied to him, pulmonary artery and arterial catheterizations revealed that central venous pressure was slightly decreased, cardiac index unchanged or slightly decreased, heart rate, systemic blood pres-sure, and pulmonary arterial pressure unchanged compared with spontaneous breathing. The patient was able to read books and maintained communica-tion in his voice with his family and the medical staff. After 3 days of the treatment with NETPV, a marked improvement,was noted and the patient was discharged from the ICU.

NETPV has the benefits as follows. First, it isvery easy for both a patient and a doctor to assist his breathing because an endotracheal intubation is not necessary. Second, we can increase Flo, without a fear of CO2 narosis as the patient's breathing is as-sisted. Third, patient's oxygen consumption is dec-reased, and subsequently respiratory muscle fatigue can be prevented. So, NETPV can be very useful in the treatment of mild respiratory distress.

Copyright © 1989, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


