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Improvement of myocardial ischemia in jeopardized area with a remote AC bypass graft evaluated by stress myocardial scintigraphy Masaaki Tomita 1 , Muneyasu Saito 1 , Hirohiko Asonuma 1 , Tetsuya Sumiyoshi 1 , Kenichi Fukami 1 , Yoichi Goto 1 , Kazuo Haze 1 , Katsuhiko Hiramori 1 , Kohei Hayashida 2 , Toshiisa Uehara 2 , Tsunehiko Nishimura 2 , Yoshitsugu Kito 3 , Kuniyoshi Ohara 3 1Cardiovasucular Division, Department of Internal Medicine, National Cardiovascular Center 2Department of Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center 3Cadiovascular Division, Department of Surgery, National Cardiovascular Center pp.277-283
Published Date 1988/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404205216
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We evaluated an improvement of myocardial ischemia in a jeopardized area with a remote AC bypass graft (ACBG), using stress myocardial scin-tigraphy (S-SG). Ninety patients (pts) who under-went ACBG and S-SG before and after ACBG were entered in this study. The patients were divided into four groups ; group (Gr) A consisted of 35 pts with complete revascularization and complete paten-cy, Gr B of 26 pts with imcomplete revascularization with complete patency, Gr C of 26 pts with par-tially occluded ACBG and Gr D of 3 pts with complete occlusion of ACBG. Gr B and C were considered to have jeopardized myocardium with aromote ACBG. Three methods were used for quan-titative analysis of S-SG ; ischemic score (IS) which is a sum of four graded perfusion score in 18 ROIs, wash-out rate (%WR) and relative thallium activity of a ROI (%D).

IS was improved in Gr A, B and C, and there was no significant differences in the extent of improvement among these three groups. %WR in the jeopardized area in Gr B and C was increased from 26% to 42% and 25% to 39%, and %D from 68% to 78% and 71% to 79%, respectively, indica-ting an improvement of ischemia in the region. In Gr D, there were no significant changes in IS, %WR and %D. Myocardial ischemia could still be detected in 51% of pts in Gr B, C and D, while chest pain and significant ST depression was seen in only 38% and 27%, respectively. We conclude that ischemia in jeopardized myocardium improves by a remote ACBG.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


