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要旨●大腸T1癌に対する外科手術の中・長期成績を明らかにするため,当科で外科手術が行われた193例を検討した.疾患特異的5年生存率は,T1癌全体で97.2%であり,Stage別ではStage Iで97.6%,Stage IIIaで100%,Stage IVで50%であった.一方,5年無再発生存率は,T1癌全体で95.0%であり,Stage Iで96.2%,Stage IIIaで91.7%,Stage IVで50%であった.有意な再発リスク因子は局在Rbであった.有意な原癌死リスク因子は,局在Rbと簇出Grade 2/3であった(多変量解析では局在Rbのみ).T1癌に対する外科手術の成績は大変良好であるが,Rb癌の術後は慎重なフォローアップを要することが示唆された.
We reviewed 193 cases of T1 colorectal cancer to evaluate medium and long-term surgical outcomes at our department. The five-year disease-specific survival rate among all T1 cancers was 97.2% with 97.6% in Stage I, 100% in Stage IIIa, and 50% in Stage IV. However, the five-year recurrence-free survival rate among all T1 cancers was 95.0% with 96.2% in Stage I, 91.7% in Stage IIIa, and 50% in Stage IV. Statistically significant risk factor of recurrence was location of rectum below the peritoneal reflection(Rb). Moreover, statistically significant risk factors for cancer death were Rb location and budding Grade 2/3 using univariate analysis, and only Rb location using multivariate analysis.
Surgical outcomes for T1 colorectal cancer were good, but careful observation is required during post-operative follow-up of Rb cancer.

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