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びまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫(diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ; DLBCL)は非Hodgkinリンパ腫の約30~40%を占め,本邦で最多の悪性リンパ腫である.約3割のDLBCLは節外性リンパ腫と呼ばれ,胃は好発部位である.胃原発DLBCLの臨床試験に基づく標準治療は,限局期〔Lugano国際会議分類Stage I,II1期(巨大腫瘤性病変を含まない)〕ではR-CHOP6-8コースかR-CHOP3コース+IFRTである.進行期〔Lugano国際会議分類Stage II2期以上(巨大腫瘤性病変を含む)〕ではR-CHOP6-8コースである.再発,再燃DLBCLには,救済療法が奏効すれば自家造血幹細胞移植併用の大量化学療法が標準治療である.初回治療不応,再発の場合,エビデンスのある治療法はなく,さまざまな救援化学療法と新薬開発が行われている.
DLBCL(Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma)is the most common histological subtype of NHL(non-Hodgkin lymphoma), accounting for 30~40% patients with NHL. Approximately 30% patients with DLBCL have extranodal NHL, and primary gastric DLBCL is the most common extranodal manifestation. According to clinical trials, the standard therapy for primary gastric DLBCL comprises chemotherapy with 6-8 cycles of an R-CHOP regimen[rituximab plus CHOP(cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin, oncovin, prednisone)]or chemoradiotherapy with 3 cycles of R-CHOP followed by involved-field radiation therapy for lower stage lesions(Lugano stage 1 or 2, excluding bulky lesions)and chemotherapy with 6-8 cycles of an R-CHOP regimen for advanced stage lesions(Lugano stage II2-IV, including bulky lesions). With regard to recurrent and relapsed cases, standard therapy for chemoresponsive patients is salvage high-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Trials of several promising new agents are ongoing for refractory or relapsing DLBCL after initial and/or salvage chemotherapy.

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