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Growing Mode of the Gastric Microcarcinoma in Incipient Phase of Cancer Development Naohiro Shinohara 1 , Kyoichi Nakamura 1 , Masanori Kikuchi 1 , Tetsuya Makino 2 , Mamoru Nishizawa 2 1Department of Pathology, The Uniriversity of Tsukuba, School of Medicine 2Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center pp.431-439
Published Date 1985/4/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403109792
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 The object of our study is 55 microcarcinomas of the stomach that measured less than 5 mm in the largest diameter and were situated at the gastric mucosa, independently of ulcer and polyp. Of 55 microcarcinomas, 22 were histologically mucocellular or anaplastic adenocarcinomas that belonged to undifferentiated carcinoma and the remaining 33 were tubular adenocarcinomas that belonged to differentiated carcinoma. The 22 undifferentiated carcinomas and the 33 differentiated carcinomas were completely surrounded by the gastric proper mucosa and by metaplastic mucosa of intestinal type, respectively.

 These microcarcinomas were histologically examined on the following five findings: 1) Atrophy of the gastric glands just below microcarcinoma, yes or no. 2) Erosion at the surface of microcarcinoma, yes or no. 3) Size of microcarcinoma measuring less than 2 mm in the largest diameter, yes or no. 4) Microcarcinoma occupying the whole mucosa in thickness, yes or no. 5) Microcarcinoma invading the submucosa, yes or no. Thirty-two (the fifth power of two) patterns of the microcarcinomas were logically obtained from combination of the five findings. However, only 5 patterns (Pattern a, b, c, d, e) out of the 32 combinations were practically demonstrated in the 22 undifferentiated carcinomas (Table 2), and 4 patterns (Pattern A, B, C, D) in the 33 differentiated carcinomas (Table 2). These patterns could be put in order by the lapse of time from cancer development, as shown in Figs. 4 and 8. Because, it may be generally considered that a microcarcinoma measuring less than 2 mm in the largest diameter is more incipient in the lapse of time from cancer development than the one measuring more than 3 mm, and a microcarcinoma occupying a part of the mucosa in thickness is more incipient than the one doing the whole mucosa. Further, it may be thought that a microcarcinoma with atrophy or disappearance of the gland just below it exists longer than the one without atrophy or disappearance in the mucosa. Here, the atrophy of glands just below a microcarcinoma means decreasing number of glands in comparison with those of the surrounding mucosa.

 The undifferentiated carcinoma having arisen from the neck portion of the ordinary gastric mucosa spread to the propria mucosae around the neck portion of the glands (Pattern a) (Fig. 1). The pre-existing glands just below the microcarcinoma atrophy, with increasing size of microcarcinoma (Pattern b) (Fig. 2), and the superficial surface of the mucosa exposed with cancer cells is depressed with erosion (Pattern c) (Fig. 3). Then, microcarcinoma increases in size with the lapse of time, and it occupies the whole mucosa in thickness (Pattern d), and some of the microcarcinomas measuring approximately 5 mm in the largest diameter invade the submucosa (Pattern e), but submucosal invasion of microcarcinoma is rare. On the other hand, the differentiated carcinoma arisen from the bottom of tubulus consisting of metaplastic epithelium of intestinal type replaces the pre-existing glands and forms new gland, just like budding out (Pattern A) (Figs. 6a and 6b). Then, the differentiated surface carcinoma shows a depression by erosion (Pattern B) and the size of it increases, with the lapse of time (Pattern C) (Fig. 7). Some of the differentiated microcarcinomas invade rarely the submucosa (Pattern D).

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


