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要旨 近年,内視鏡検査・診断の進歩により微小な病変も数多く発見されるようになった.それら微小病変(5mm以下)の肉眼型,組織型mitosis,apoptosisの発現を,それ以上の大きな病変と対比させて検討した.微小病変の大多数は臨床的に良性として取り扱われる病変(Group2,3)で,肉眼型もIsを示すものが過半数であった.また,5mm以下の病変と6mm以上の病変を対比してmitosis,apoptosisの発現を検討すると,微小病変でapoptosisの発現は有意に高くmitosisの発現は有意に低かった.これらの結果から,病変の大きさはmitosisとapoptosisのバランスのうえに成り立っており,5mm以下の病変には大きさの増加しないもの,あるいは減少するものがあると思われた.微小腺腫の取り扱いについては,mitosisが多くapoptosisが少ない増殖傾向にあると考えられる症例は積極的に切除し,mitosisが少なくapoptosisの多い症例は,今後もおそらく大きさに変化を来さないか縮小傾向にあると考えられ,これらの症例は経過観察のみでよいと考えられた.
Recent advances in endoscopic and diagnostic techniques have enabled us to detect a large number of small lesions (less than 5 mm in their greatest diameter) in the large intestines. In order to investigate whether any specific feature closely related to the size of adenoma exists or not, we reviewed the gross and microscopic appearance, the number of mitoses, and the number of incidences of apoptosis. Most of the small adenomas were benign (Group 2 or 3), exhibiting the shape of either Is, or Isp.
Mitotic index and apoptotic index of the small adenomas (≦5 mm) were compared with those of large adenomas (≧6 mm). When compared with large adenomas, small adenomas showed a smaller mitotic index (p = 0.0002), while they showed a larger apoptotic index (p = 0.0005). These results suggested that the balance between mitosis and apoptosis influences the the size of the adenomas. This supports our proposal that small adenomas with their significantly high apoptotic index and with their low mitotic index, will possibly become stable or decrease in size with the lapse of time.

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