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要旨 経口色素法および拡大電子内視鏡を使用し発見された大腸腺腫について分析し,微小腺腫の見つけ出しと取り扱いについて検討した.経口色素法で全大腸内視鏡検査を行った症例のうち,標準型内視鏡を使用した462例(標準群),拡大内視鏡を使用した449例(拡大群)を対象とした.腫瘍性病変の発見率は標準群で58%,拡大群で61%,50歳以上を対象にすると両群ともに約70%であった.微小腺腫は発見された微小病変の約40%を占めており,全大腸にほぼ均等に分布していたが,微小病変は右側大腸ほど腫瘍性(腺腫)である割合が高かった.無症状,スクリーニング目的で初めて全大腸内視鏡検査(標準型内視鏡)を受けた症例のうち,1親等内に直腸・結腸癌の家族歴を有しない176例を対象に検討すると,大腸腺腫の発生は加齢現象であることが示唆された.経口色素法は大腸微小病変の見つけ出しに有効であり,拡大観察の併用は更にその発見率と質的診断を向上させた.大腸微小腺腫の見つけ出しと取り扱いについては,現時点では,特に平坦・陥凹型に留意しながら,色素法により見つけ出しの向上を図り,拡大観察によりその質的診断を高め,切除すべきかどうかを判定し(判定不能の場合は切除),遺残のない簡便で確実な治療を行うべきである.
The colorectal adenomas detected and removed by contrast chromoscopy using an indigo carmine capsule (CCIC) have been analyzed. The detection rate of adenomas was 58% by using standard colonoscope, 61% by using magnifying colonoscope (MC). In cases of over 50 years of age it was about 70%. Diminutive adenomas accounted for 40% of all the diminutive lesions detected and were fairly evenly distributed throughout the colon. Proximally, adenomas predominated, accounting for 63% of all diminutive lesions in the proximal colon. It was suggested that the occurrence of adenomas is a phenomenon relevant to aging. This was suggested after investigating the detection rate, number, size, degree of atypia and distribution of colon polyps detected in 176 asymptomatic subjects with no first degree relatives who had suffered from colorectal cancer. CCIC and MC have the potential to detect and diagnose small colonic lesions more readily and accurately than conventional methods. At the present time, it is thought that the use of contrast chromoscopy and MC is the best way for detection of diminutive colon adenomas. Even in the case of diminutive adenomas, simple and sure removal of them should be carried out.

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