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要旨 患者は74歳,男性.食思不振,上腹部不快感を主訴に1995年9月に来院した.内視鏡検査を受け,胸部中部食道から胸部下部食道に長径7cmの全周性の0-IIc型病変(扁平上皮癌)が指摘された.X線,内視鏡検査にて深達度m3の病変と診断され,強く治療を勧めたが,患者本人の治療拒否にて無治療で経過観察された.1996年12月の内視鏡所見では結節状の隆起を伴い,0-I+IIc型病変(推定深達度sm3)に変化していた.1997年3月の内視鏡検査では半周性の狭窄を認め,2+IIc型で深達度mpと診断された.1998年4月の内視鏡検査では病変は全周性の狭窄に進行した.この間,病変の長径にはほとんど変化を認めなかった.1999年3月に狭窄に対して金属ステントが挿入された.発見以来4年4か月経過した現在,外来通院中である.
A 74-year-old male visited our hospital with complaints of appetite loss and upper gastrointestinal discomfort in September, 1995. Endoscopic examination revealed a slightly depressed lesion (Type 0-IIc) about 7cm in length in the middle and lower of the esophagus. Pathogical studies on a bite biopsy indicated squamous cell carcinoma. The depth of invasion was diagnosed as being as far as the muscularis mucosae by endoscopic and x-ray examinations. As the patient did not want to undergo any therapy, he was followed up endoscopically. In December, 1996, the lesion was recognized as a slightly depressed area with protruding nodules (Type 0-I + IIc) and was suspected to have invaded into the submucosa. In March, 1997, the lesion showed semi-stenosis of the esophageal lumen and was suspected to have invaded the muscularis propria. In April, 1998, the lesion had progressed to complete stenosis of the esophageal lumen and a metallic stent was inserted. The patient is still alive four years and four months after initial endoscopy.

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