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Should X-ray Examination be Mandatory as the Initial Spotting Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer? Mamoru Nishizawa 1 1Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center Keyword: 胃癌の拾い上げ診断 , 細径パンエンドスコープ隔年検診 , 検査に対するcompliance pp.599-608
Published Date 1998/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403103659
  • Abstract
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 It was concluded that for the intial spotting diagnosis of gastric cancer, x-ray examination is not a“sine qua non”. However,“sine qua non”should be understood as limited to the following two cases.

 1) In cases where visits to the clinic are made with complaints that need to be further diagnosed, or without complaints but hoping to undergo a cancer detection test.

 2) In cases of mass screening of seemingly healthy examinees to detect cancers from the aspect of curability as well as from the aspect of number. The preference of endoscopy by examinees results in x-ray not being used, but this is quite apart from the question of which is more effective x-ray or endoscopy.

 Methods: Annual cancer detection had been performed on an ingroup (occupational one) using the following methods on subjects over 33 years. The ingroup 40 to 54 years of age (males by 90%).

 a) 1963 to 1969: average number of examinees per year 1,500  Screening, indirect x-ray→Detailed, ordinary x-ray (21% referred after screening).

 b) 1970 to 1979: average number of examinees per year 3,000  Screening, remote x-ray TV→Detailed, ordinary x-ray (4% referred after screening).

 c) 1980 to 1995: average number of examinees per year 5,000  Panedoscopic examination was recommended but examinees could have their choice between x-ray and panendoscopy, x-ray being performed every year, endoscopy every other year as follows.

 c-1) 50% of examinees hoping to undergo x-ray TV  Screening, remote x-ray TV (annually)→Detailed, panendoscopy.

 c-2) 50% of examinees hoping to undergo panendoscopy  Screening, panendoscopy (every other year).

 Results: a) Cancers detected 16 (m 5, sm 3, mp 2, s 6): 5 years survival rate 67%. b) Cancers detected 32 (m 5, sm 13, mp 3, ss 3, s 8): 5 year s.r. 76%. c) Cancers detected 107 (m 63, sm 28, mp 4, ss 2, s 10): 5 year s.r. 92%. c-1) early cancer (m+sm): 80% of total cancers, 5 year s.r. about 86%. c-2) early cancer (m+sm): 89% of total cancers, 5 year s.r. about 93%.

 Conclusions: Based on the above mentioned results, it can be concluded that panendoscopic examination preferred to be carried out every other year exceeded other possible combinations. Hence, since the compliance or preference of patients for endoscopy during visits to the clinic for the sake of cancer detection is extremely high, x-ray can be ruled out as a“sine qua non”in the initial screening step.

Copyright © 1998, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


