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要旨 全大腸内視鏡検査施行の病院受診者1,149例を対象に,Hb・Tf同時測定法とHb単独測定法〔Hb(+)法〕,Tf単独測定法〔Tf(+)法〕との大腸癌スクリーニング精度を比較検討した.Tf(+)法はHb(+)法に比して特異度では上回っていたが,感度においては及ばなかった.Hb・Tf同時測定・組み合せ判定法では,Hb(+)法に比して,HbかTfのいずれか陽性を反応陽性とする判定法〔Hb(+)or Tf(+)法〕で感度が上昇するが,特異度や陽性的中率は低下した.また,HbとTfのいずれも陽性を反応陽性とする判定法〔Hb(+)and Tf(+)法〕で特異度と陽性的中率の上昇を認めたが,感度は低下した.Hb・Tf同時測定・2段階判定法では,パターンAはHb(+)法の感度を維持したまま特異度を上げ,パターンBではHb(+)法の特異度を維持しながら感度を上げるため, Hb(+)法よりも精度の高い検査になる可能性が示された.
In 1,149 outpatients who underwent total colonoscopy, we weighed colorectal cancer screening precision with assay of Hb alone〔Hb(+)method〕against the Hb/Tf simultaneous assay. The Tf alone assay〔Tf(+)method〕exceeded in specificity the Hb(+)method, but was inferior in sensitivity. Using the method of Hb/Tf simultaneous assay with combination judgment, the Hb(+)or Tf(+)method produced an elevation of the sensitivity above that of the Hb(+)method, but the specificity and the positive prediction value rate decreased. Also, the Hb(+)and Tf(+)method showed an elevation of specificity and positive prediction value, but its sensitivity decreased. Using Hb/Tf simultaneous assay with the two-step steps judgment method, pattern A retains the sensitivity of the Hb(+)method and gives an elevation of specificity, and pattern B gives an elevation of sensitivity while maintaining the specificity of the Hb(+)method. As a result, it is indicated that the Hb/Tf simultaneous assay with the two-step judgment method is potentially a more highly-accurate method for the screening of colorectal cancer than the Hb(+)method.

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