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要旨 今日の感染症動向のキーワードはグローバル化と易感染性宿主の増加であり,腸管感染症の分野でもその傾向は顕著である.注目すべき病原体はCampylobacter,Salmonella,腸管出血性大腸菌,腸炎ビブリオ,Norovirus,Rotavirusである.院内発生の場合にはClostridium difficileも要注意である.Campylobacter,Salmonellaの耐性菌は世界的に共通する問題である.小児や高齢者をはじめとする易感染性宿主では重症化しやすく,時に致命的となることがある.病院や施設での集団発生ではそのようなリスクが高い.旅行者下痢症,性感染症では国内発生の場合とは異なる病原体が検出される可能性があるので,患者背景の把握が重要である.
Globalization and increasing numbers of compromised hosts are major factors in infectious disease outbreaks. This tendency is also remarkable in enteric infection, in which Campylobacter,Salmonella, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli,Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Norovirus, and Rotavirus are the major pathogens. Clostridium difficile is also a major pathogen responsible for nosocomial infection. The development of drug resistance in bacteria, such as Campylobacter and Salmonella, caused by the administration of antimicrobials in both humans and animals is a worldwide problem. Infectious diseases are often exacerbated, or even lethal, in compromised hosts, such as children and the elderly, and these populations are at particular risk of developing such diseases in hospitals or related facilities. It is important to investigate the background of the patients as travelers' diarrhea and sexually transmitted diseases involve different infectious agents.

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