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要旨 炎症性腸疾患は,その病型や病期により病変の肉眼的形態は著しく変化する.そのため,正確な診断には,臨床症状や臨床検査データを詳細に検討把握した上でX線,内視鏡検査に当たらなければならない.今回,大腸の炎症性腸疾患におけるX線検査の有用性,役割,重要性を内視鏡検査と比較し検討した.潰瘍性大腸炎の診断および病勢評価においては,内視鏡検査が極めて有用であったが,X線検査も補助的な検査法として必要であると考えられた.一方,Crohn病においては,病変の分布,偏側性の変化や狭窄より口側の所見などを捉えるのにX線検査の有用性・重要性は言うまでもない.炎症性腸疾患の診断および重症度決定に際しては,両検査の長所と短所をよく熟知した上で腸管病変への侵襲を最小限に止め,より多くの有用な情報が得られるように両検査の使い分けが望まれる.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has a variety of macroscopic findings indicating the diseased condition. For a precise diagnosis of IBD, firstly, it is necessary to make a detailed enquiry about the history of symptoms and other examinations, then we should diagnose the disease, using barium enema and colonoscopy. In this study, we compared the benefits of barium enema investigation with colonoscopy in IBD patient. Endoscopic examination plays a useful role in diagnosing and evaluating ulcerative colitis. Barium examination is also necessary as an auxiliary measure in some cases. On the other hand, Barium examination is definitely important for diagnosing the charactaristic findings of Crohn's disease. Therefore, in the diagnosis of IBD patients, we should understand the benefits and defects of these two methods of examination, and then we should skillfully use both methods for getting more information about the conditions of the IBD patients.

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