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要旨:【目的】脊椎圧迫骨折事例を対象とした作業療法の実践に関する既存の知見を,スコーピングレビューを用いて分析した.【方法】医中誌Web, CiNii, PubMedによる検索を行い,選定基準によりスクリーニングを行った.【結果】適格論文は13編であり全て事例報告であった.使用されていたアウトカムは身体機能や認知機能,精神機能,ADL, IADL, QOL,目標設定・作業に関する評価,包括的評価の8つの項目に分類された.主な作業療法の実践内容は,事例が望む作業に焦点を当てた介入であった.【結語】今後は報告数の増加や作業に焦点を当てた介入の効果の検証が期待される.
[Purpose] Using a scoping review, this study aimed to analyze existing literature on occupational therapy for people with a vertebral compression fracture. [Method] We performed a search by Ichushi-Web, CiNii, and PubMed and screened according to the selection criteria. [Results] Thirteen eligible case reports were discovered. The outcomes used were classified into eight items: physical function, cognitive function, mental function, ADL, IADL, QOL, evaluation of goal setting, and occupational/comprehensive evaluation. The main occupational therapy practice was intervention focused on the tasks desired by the case. [Conclusion] The number of related reports are expected to increase which will test the effectiveness of occupational-focused interventions.

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