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中学生,高校生の時期は発育スパートの時期であり,身長,体重はもちろん骨量も増加する。この時期の骨量獲得が最大骨量に及ぼす影響は大きく,将来の骨粗鬆症の予防にもつながる。骨量獲得には,カルシウム摂取は重要であるが,食事摂取基準で示された値と,実際の摂取量には乖離が見られ,カルシウム摂取量を増やす努力が必要である。 学校給食による牛乳提供の実績から考えても,この時期のカルシウム供給源としての牛乳飲用の意義は特に大きい。
The junior high school and high school years are the periods during which development spurts occur, and bone mass increases including height and weight. The bone mass gain at this time has a big influence on the maximum bone mass, which also leads to prevention of future osteoporosis. Calcium intake is important for bone mass acquisition, but there is a divergence between the value indicated by the meal intake standard and the actual intake amount, and efforts to increase the calcium intake amount are necessary. From the results obtained by providing milk with school lunch, the significance of drinking milk as a source of calcium at this time is particularly large.