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生後6カ月以上2歳未満のアレルギー性鼻炎もしくは皮膚疾患に伴うそう痒を有する60例の日本人患児を対象に,レボセチリジン1.25 mgを1日1回(6カ月以上1歳未満)または1日2回(1歳以上2歳未満)2週間経口投与した際の安全性,有効性および血漿中レボセチリジン濃度について多施設共同,非盲検試験により検討した。 その結果,レボセチリジンシロップ剤の安全性プロファイルは良好であり,年齢層間(6カ月以上1歳未満;30例,1歳以上2歳未満;30例)で違いはみられなかった。また,アレルギー性鼻炎および皮膚疾患に伴うそう痒に対し,レボセチリジンシロップ剤は改善効果を示した。血漿中レボセチリジン濃度の検討では,Cmax相当値は生後6カ月以上1歳未満と1歳以上2歳未満で同程度の値であった。さらに,生後6カ月以上2歳未満の小児における服薬遵守率(コンプライアンス)は,良好であった。 以上の結果より,レボセチリジンシロップ剤は,本邦における生後6カ月以上の小児のアレルギー性疾患治療薬として,有効かつ良好な忍容性を有する薬剤であることが示された。
This study was conducted as a non-controlled and open-label clinical study for the purpose of investigating the safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of levocetirizine oral solution in Japanese pediatric patients aged ≧6 months and <2 years with allergic rhinitis or pruritus associated with skin disease. The dosage regimen of this product was specified depending on age. In the younger age group(aged ≧6 months and <1 year), 1.25 mg was orally administered once a day for 2 weeks, and in the older age group(aged ≧1 year and <2 years), 1.25 mg was orally administered twice a day for 2 weeks. The safety profiles of levocetirizine oral solution(aged ≧6 months and <1 year, aged ≧1 year and <2 years)were acceptable with no differences in safety, efficacy, or pharmacokinetics observed between the two age groups. Levocetirizine oral solution demonstrated improvement of both allergic rhinitis and pruritus associated with skin disease. When the plasma levocetirizine concentrations were determined with the dosage regimen used in this study, the Cmax was comparable between the patients aged ≧6 months and <1 year and the patients aged ≧1 year and<2 years. Compliance with the study drug regimen was favorable in both age groups studied. Thus levocetirizine oral solution can be an efficacious and well-tolerated option for Japanese children with as young as 6 months of age.