

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Imaging follow-up for urogenital disorders Satoru Takahashi 1 1Imaging Research Center Takatsuki General Hospital Keyword: PI-RADSカテゴリー3 , Bosniak ⅡF , active surveillance pp.371-381
Published Date 2023/4/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18888/rp.0000002308
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Although we frequently recommend and undergo follow-up imaging studies in daily clinical practices, their application, frequency, or timing is insufficiently considered. Imaging studies should be performed, when they can influence the decision of treatment strategy. Therefore, we diagnostic radiologists are expected to recommend appropriate examinations at appropriate timing, as follow-up study might reduce unnecessary examinations or invasive procedures. In this review, we have discussed several clinical scenarios that follow-up imaging study would be useful in urogenital disorders.

1.Cannot make final diagnosis:

(a)to avoid invasive biopsy or surgery;such as the patients with elevated PSA, renal cystic mass, and those who underwent intavesical BCG therapy with prostatic lesion.

(b)suboptimal imaging study;due to contraindication for contrast-enhanced study, CT, or MRI, as well as severe artifacts due to patients’ conditions.

(c)inconsistency between clinical data and imaging;such as false positives or negative of PSA or multi-parametric prostate MRI, or fail to meet diagnostic criteria.

2.Active surveillance:

To avoid unnecessary treatment and its potential side effects, closely monitor potentially indolent cancer;such as clinically insignificant prostate cancer, or small renal tumor.

3.Early detection of recurrence or malignant transformation.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0009-9252 金原出版


