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Stanford A型急性大動脈解離に対する手術の主目的は救命であるが,近年の手術成績の向上に伴い,遠隔予後への一定の配慮が必要になってきている.大動脈基部まで解離が及び,冠状動脈口が穿孔するなど大動脈基部置換術が必要になった場合(図1),人工弁と人工血管で作成したコンポジットグラフトを用いた全基部置換術(いわゆるBentall手術)を行うのが一般的である1).しかし,Stanford A型急性大動脈解離例の大動脈弁はおおむね正常であり,人工弁にまつわる遠隔期の合併症を鑑みると,大動脈弁を温存するのが望ましい.一方,弁温存基部置換術はラーニングカーブが長く,操作時間も長くなるため,とりわけ出血を含めてハイリスクなStanford A型急性大動脈解離では敬遠される傾向が強い.そこで,Urbanskiらは必要なValsalva洞のみ再建するselective sinus replacement法を提唱し良好な成績を報告している2).本法は操作時間も短く出血リスクの低減も期待できるため,まさしくStanford A型急性大動脈解離によい適応と思われる.また本法がハイリスクな解離でも好成績を収めたことにより,非解離例にも積極的に応用されてきている(図2).われわれは,selective sinus replacement法を解離を含む6例に応用したので,その成績を報告する.
Background:Selective sinus replacement seems a reasonable option in cases requiring replacement of one or two sinuses of Valsalva, especially with acute aortic dissection and high bleeding risk.
Methods:Six patients (average age 58±17 years;five males) underwent selective replacement of the right sinus of Valsalva with right coronary artery bypass grafting (n=5) in 2015-2023. Five patients developed acute aortic dissection and one developed aneurysm of the right sinus of Valsalva.
Results:All patients survived the operation, and there were no cases requiring re-exploration for bleeding. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography showed trivial or less aortic regurgitation (AR) in all patients. Cardiopulmonary bypass time, aortic cross-clamping time, and lower body circulatory arrest time were 214±28 min, 159±22 min, and 31±6 min (n=5), respectively. During follow-up of 55±44 (4-104) months, all patients were asymptomatic. AR was mild or less in four patients, mild-moderate in one patient, and severe in one patient. All patients had normal cardiac function without left ventricular enlargement, and so no reoperation was required.
Conclusions:Although this method appears to be relatively safe and effective, some patients developed late AR. Long-term follow-up of larger numbers of patients will be necessary to confirm its effectiveness.

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