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はじめに 自然気胸は両側に発症する可能性がある.また,特発性血気胸は自然気胸に血胸を伴う比較的まれな疾患であり,出血やそれに伴うショック症状から緊急手術の適応となることがある.われわれは,特発性血気胸緊急手術後に発症した対側気胸に対し,血胸の併発を予測して手術を施行し,興味深い手術所見を経験したので報告する.
A 17-year-old man came to the hospital complaining of right back pain. He had a history of an emergency operation for a left idiopathic hemopneumothorax. A chest X-ray revealed right lung collapse and suggested pleural adhesion at the apex of the right lung. He was diagnosed with right spontaneous pneumothorax and the surgical treatment was performed, because pleural adhesion may cause the hemothorax. During surgery, several pleural adhesion bands were found in the thoracic cavity between the right lung apex and chest wall. Spontaneous pneumothorax with a pleural adhesion at the apex is considered to be the indication for surgery because of the risk of hemothorax.

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