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本研究の目的は,初期認知症の人が老年期の発達課題である「人生の統合性」を獲得するための看護支援プログラムの効果検証である.初期認知症(MCIおよび認知症の初期)の15人を対象に,計6回からなる「現在・過去・未来を語り,オレンジノートに遺す支援プログラム」を実施した.対象者の平均年齢は80.7±7.0歳,MMSE(ミニメンタルステイトテスト)の平均得点は25.3±2.8点であった.診断名はMCI(軽度認知障害)5人,アルツハイマー型認知症9人,脳血管性認知症1人であった.日本語版E.H. エリクソン発達課題達成尺度(老年期部分)を用い,介入前後で測定した.介入前の尺度の得点は39.1±4.9点であり,40点以上を高得点群,40点未満を低得点群とし,両群を比較した.その結果,低得点群において介入後に統計学的に有意に上昇した(P=.007).高得点群においては介入前後で差はみられなかった.本介入は,特に低得点群の人生の統合性の獲得を目指した看護支援プログラムとして有効であると考えられた.
The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a nursing intervention program to help individuals with early dementia (mild cognitive impairment [MCI] or early stage of dementia) gain life integrity, which is a developmental task of old age. Fifteen individuals with early dementia (MCI: n=5, Alzheimer's dementia: n=9, and cerebrovascular dementia: n=1; mean age: 80.7±7.0 years; mean Mini-Mental State Examination score: 25.3±2.8) participated in a six-session Support Program for Discussing the Present, Past, and Future and for Recording the Discussions in the Orange Notebook. Erikson's Developmental Task Achievement scale scores were measured pre- and post-intervention. Based on their pre-intervention score (mean, 39.1±4.9), participants were divided into low- (<40) or high- (≥40) score groups and compared. A significant post-intervention improvement was observed in the low-score group (P=.007). No difference between pre- and post-intervention was observed in the high-score group. The present findings indicate the effectiveness of the present nursing intervention program for gaining life integrity, particularly for individuals with low developmental task achievement scores.
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