

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Nurses' Recognition of Care Patients with Delirium Harumi EJIRI 1 , Naoko HORII 1 1Chubu University Department of Nursing College of Life and Health Sciences Keyword: 看護師の認識,せん妄患者,テキスト分析,nurses' recognition , delirium patients , text analyze pp.27-34
Published Date 2013/6/30
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7009200084
  • Abstract
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 Delirium is an impairment of cognitive function manifesting a lack of concentration, disturbance of consciousness, and alteration of sleep wake cycle, which occurs an abrupt onset and develops within a relatively brief duration. The purpose of this study was to investigate what nurses consider as inappropriate when they care of patients with delirium. This study was carried out an anonymous self-entry questionnaire delivered and returned by mail. Nurses were asked to indicate whether or not they had encountered any inappropriate ways while dealing with delirium patients in their experience, and to specify any such inappropriate ways. The answers in the free entry column were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Text Analytics for Survey. 1,755 nurses who returned their valid responses, 57.8% answered that they had encountered some inappropriate ways of care patients with delirium in their experience. The key words of the answers frequently made in the free entry column were "suppression (204 cases)," "honorific/polite words(163 cases)," "way of speech(126 cases)," "roughness(40)" and so on. When the key words were categorized, the most frequent were "rough speech," "quick suppression," "denial," "emotional," "indifferent," "contempt," "ridicule," "lack of explanation" and "relying on family members." The key words contained the negative emotions of nurses, suggesting the necessity of establishing a system to cope with the negative emotions held by nurses when they care of patients with delirium.

Copyright © 2013, Japan Society of Nursing and Health Care All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-2606 日本看護医療学会


