

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Decision-Making Support Process of Visiting Nurses Help Terminal Cancer Survivors "Live a Fulfilling Life" Tae Nakamoto 1 , Sumie Kuroda 2 , Mihoko Sakaki 3 1Nagomi no Sato Visiting Nursing Station 2Prefectural University of Hiroshima 3Hiroshima Cosmopolitan University Keyword: 末期がんサバイバー , 訪問看護師 , 生ききる , 意思決定支援 , 修正版グラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチ , terminal cancer survivors , visiting nurses , live a fulfilling life , decision-making support , Modified Grounded Theory Approach pp.335-343
Published Date 2023/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objective: To clarify the decision-making support process of visiting nurses to help terminal cancer survivors "live a fulfilling life".

 Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 nurses, who had worked as a visiting nurse for 3 years or longer and had experience in providing home care and end-of-life care for patients with terminal care needs. We analyzed the data using the modified grounded theory approach.

 Results: The decision-making support process was focused on <facing life together>, including <realizing the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of daily life>, <going alone with patients who are still attached to cancer treatment>, and <helping patients prepare for the end of life>. These approaches were facilitated by <promoting realistic decisions> and <focusing on symptom relief>, and based on <establishing a nurse-led system>.

 Conclusion: The decision-making support process helps terminal cancer survivors maintain hope, even if it is only a little, and "live a fulfilling life" by actively designing the rest of their lives, and achieving a "good death".

Copyright © 2023, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


