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要旨:本研究の目的は,当院回復期リハ病棟における自宅退院3ヵ月後のCVD患者本人と主介護者のHRQOLが,退院時および在宅生活のどの要因に関係するかを明らかにするために予備調査を行うことである.対象は,適格基準を満たした36名とし,退院後3ヵ月の各調査項目,CVD患者本人と主介護者のEQ-5D-5Lについて統計学的解析を用いて検証した.主介護者のEQ-5D-5Lは,Home Care Score(HCS)の介護者の健康度,患者の入浴自立度,Frenchay Activities Index(FAI)の旅行や読書と,本人のEQ-5D-5LはFAIの掃除や整頓,買い物に相関を認めた.回復期リハ病棟においては,ADL介助量の軽減やIADLへの介入,介護負担を考慮したサービスの検討,介護者自身の介護力に配慮した介入が重要であると考える.
We examined the factors associated with HRQOL of CVD patients and their primary caregiver three months after being discharged from the rehabilitation ward and provided ergotherapy intervention and discharge support in the convalescent rehabilitation ward. The subjects were 36 patients who were discharged from the convalescent rehabilitation ward and met the eligibility criteria. Each aspect of the patients' and main caregiver's QOL at the time of discharge and 3 months after discharge were compared using statistical analysis. The QOL of the patients 3 months after discharge showed degree of pain, cleaning and rearranging, shopping of FAI, and a correlation of the IADL of the patient. The QOL of the main caregiver showed degree of pain, health of the caregiver of HCS, the degree of independence in bathing the patient, traveling, and reading of FAI. Important intervention in the convalescent rehabilitation ward requires consideration of intervention to reduce the quantity of ADL assistance and examination of factors that burden a caregiver. The care power of the patient caregiver can improve patient QOL after the discharge of the patients.

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