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斜台部血腫は硬膜外血腫か硬膜下血腫に分類されるが,その鑑別は困難であり,過去の報告例でも診断がはっきりとなされていないものが混在している.斜台部血腫が硬膜下血腫であることの診断には,血性髄液の証明12)や脳室内出血(intraventricular hemorrhage:IVH)の存在10)を確認する必要がある.成人例の斜台部硬膜下血腫の報告では下垂体卒中や動脈瘤破裂といった原因がなく,特発性とされた症例は6例の報告にとどまっている6,10,12,13).
Spontaneous retroclival subdural hematoma is rare among adults. To the best of our knowledge, only six cases have been reported.
A 73-year-old man presented with sudden severe headache, diplopia, and dysarthria, with no history of trauma. Head CT revealed a retrociliary hematoma. No obvious causes of bleeding, such as cerebral aneurysms or malformations, were detected. Conservative treatment was provided to the patient. MRI showed an intraventricular hemorrhage and a space between the basilar artery and hematoma three days after onset. The hematoma almost disappeared on day 7. MRI, particularly T2-weighted sagittal MRI, is effective in localizing hematomas and confirming intraventricular hemorrhages.

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