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血管周囲腔(Virchow-Robin腔)は,くも膜下腔と直接の交通のない穿通枝の周囲を囲む軟膜に覆われた間質液を容れた間隙である10,11,15).この腔の拡張が,脳への圧迫や水頭症の原因となることが知られ,enlarged perivascular space(EPVS),giant tumefactive perivascular spaceなどと記載されている2,4,6,13,14).EPVSは囊胞様に拡大したり,多発的に集族することがあり,あらゆる年齢でさまざまな部位にみられる.今回われわれは,中脳,大脳基底核の血管周囲腔の拡張が閉塞性水頭症を来し,第三脳室開窓術を行った1例を経験したので報告する.
We report a case of enlarged perivascular spaces (EPVS) in the mesencephalothalamic region associated with hydrocephalus. EPVS are extensions of the subarachnoid space that accompany penetrating arteries and may cause mass effects. A 56-year-old woman with EPVS-associated hydrocephalus underwent third ventriculostomy and biopsy. We compared pre-and postoperative images by magnetoencephalography (MEG) and tractography, and evaluated the effects of EPVS. These images were useful to determine the patient's condition.

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