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The parietal lobe is located on the dorsal part of the cerebral hemisphere, extending from the mesial surface to the convexity. The parietal lobe is composed of the postcentral gyrus, the superior and inferior parietal lobules, the posterior half of the paracentral lobule, and the precuneus. The human inferior parietal lobule is further divided into the supramarginal gyrus and the angular gyrus.
Those regions of the parietal lobe are further subdivided into cortical areas based on the cytoarchitecture,myeloarchitecture, chemoarchitecture, and functional properties of constituent neurons. The postcentral gyrus and the posterior half of the paracentral lobule comprise areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2, which represent the primary somatosensory cortex(SⅠ). The opercular portions of the postcentral gyrus and inferior parietal lobule contain the secondary somatosensory cortex(SⅡ). The superior parietal lobule is made up of areas PE and PEc. Both areas extend onto the mesial surface of the hemisphere. Ventral to area PEc on the mesial surface, area PGm is located between the cingulate cortex anteriorly and the occipital cortex posteriorly. The inferior parietal lobule is subdivided into areas PF, PFG, and PG. The posterior end of the inferior parietal lobule and the dorsal part of the anterior bank of the lunate sulcus are covered by area DP, while the anterior bank of the parietooccipital sulcus is made up of area PO. The banks and fundus of the intraparietal sulcus are subdivided chiefly based on the functional properties of the cortex. The medial bank comprises areas PEip(5v), MIP and PO, while the lateral bank consists of areas LIP and LOP. The deepest portion of the sulcus is subdivided into areas AIP, VIP and PIP.
The findings so far reported on the fiber connections of each cortical area have revealed the following morphological and functional organization of the parietal cortex. The postcentral gyrus and the paracentral lobule comprises the primary somatosensory cortex, which receives somatosensory information from the posterior ventral nuclei of the thalamus. From the primary and secondary somatosensory areas, somatosensory information is transferred to the posterior parietal lobule. On the other hand, visual information concerning the space and the motion of objects reaches the posterior parietal lobe via occipital and temporal visual areas. Many of the posterior parietal areas have robust connections also with the motor, supplementary motor, and premotor cortices, the frontal eye field, and the prefrontal association cortex. The parietal lobe thus comprises the areas that(1)integrate somatosensory and visual information for spatial cognition and(2)play pivotal roles in oculomotor control and hand movements for object manipulation.
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