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哺乳動物の膵臓から抽出した膵臓内血圧降下物質であるCirculetin (帝国臓器製造,1糖衣錠中50生物学単位,注射10E,を有す)は,心機能の低下,及び流血量減少を来さぬ循環系降圧剤であり臨床的に種々の高血圧症(本態性,腎性,動脈硬化症等)高血圧随伴諸症,循環障碍諸症,狭心症,メニエル氏病,肢端冷感,ノイローゼ等に奏効するとの報告がある。
The author experimented with "Circuletin" on various kinds of embolism which begins with the rapid failing of eyesight and comes from arterial blockade by high blood-pressure and arterial sclerosis. No report of the use of "Circuletin has so far been presented, but the author heard that "Circuletin" is effective on high blood-pressure and the diseases that are accompanied with high blood-pressure, and the author experimented on embolism and high blood-pressure diseases of the eye. The results of this experiment are remarkable.

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