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先天性腓骨列欠損症の腓骨完全欠損型Achterman & Kalamchi分類type Ⅱでは,脚延長は困難で,変形矯正や足部矯正を含め多数回手術を要する.われわれは,11歳女児の右腓骨全欠損型type Ⅱの症例で,脚延長中fibular bandの緊張が高まり,延長不能となった1例を経験した.索状物は大腿骨外側上顆に付着し,疼痛,圧痛を認め,膝の伸展障害を生じた.fibular bandを切除し,延長は可能となったが,著しい仮骨形成不良を認めた.本症の脚延長では,fibular bandの切除,仮骨形成不良に対する配慮が重要である.
It is difficult to perform limb lengthening in fibular hemimelia, especially when there is an Achterman-Kalamchi classification type II total fibular defect. We report the case of an 11-year-old girl with fibular hemimelia type II. Limb lengthening was very difficult because of the presence of a fibular band and poor callus formation. The fibular band was attached to the lateral femoral epicondyle and prevented extension of the knee and limb lengthening. It is important to resect the fibular band and control poor callus formation to achieve limb lengthening in fibular hemimelia type II.

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