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80歳以上の高齢者で,頭部CTスキャン上,等または高吸収域を呈する慢性硬膜下血腫の手術症例を検討し,超高齢者に対する外科的治療法の有効性を評価した。過去11年間に経験した超高齢者慢性硬膜下血腫の手術症例76例(男50例,女26例)を対象とし,既往症,入院時症状,血腫量,手術法,合併症,手術後の転帰などを検討した。51例に頭部外傷既往を認めた。入院時症状は,Bender scaleの分類では,grade 2が41例で最も多かった。手術法は主に,穿頭,血腫洗浄,ドレナージ術が行われた。入院前症状より改善した症例は68例(89%)であり,再発は6例に認め,死亡は1例であり,肺炎などの術後感染症が6例にみられた。したがって,80歳以上の高齢者であっても,慢性硬膜下血腫による症状は,比較的容易に外科的治療により改善される可能性が高く,術後の感染症などの合併症に留意し,手術療法を行うべきである。
A cosecutive series of 76 aged (over 80 years old ; 50 male, 26 female) patients with chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) was studied.
They were analyzed about interval form trauma, preoperative grade according to Bender scale, coex-isting disease, volume and location of hematoma, surgical procedures, postoperative outcome and complications.
Sixty-six % of patients had a history of trauma. Clinical findings at the time of admission weregraded according to Bender scale. The majority of patients belonged to grade 2 (41 cases) and grade 3 (23 cases) followed by grade 1(8 cases) and grade 4 (4 cases). The volume of CSDH was classified into three group ; under 79 ml (21 cases) , between 80 and 119 ml (28 cases), over 120 ml (27 cases). Almost all of patients were operated by burr hole, irrigation with drainage or Ommaya's reservoir. Six cases needed reoperation. Six cases suffered from infec-tions. Sixty-eight (89%) patients improved at the time of discharge.
Surgical procedure is the best choice for CSDH even in extremely aged patients.

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