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近年,Nucleolar Organizer Regions(NORs)が注目されているが,NORsの関連蛋白は銀染色法を用いて局在を観察することが可能であり,その数(Ag-NORs score)と腫瘍細胞の増殖能との相関性が指摘されている。今回,40例の髄膜腫症例を良性定型群(定型的な組織像で,再発を認めないもの24例),非定型群(再発は認めないが組織学的に異型性を認めるもの8例),再発群(8例)の3群に分け,Ag-NORs scoreの比較を行った。再発群のAg-NORs scoreは良性定型群に比し有意に高値であり,髄膜腫の再発を予測する有用な指標になると考えられた。また非定型群のAg-NORs scoreも比較的高値で,再発の可能性があり,長期間の経過観察が必要である。
A silver staining technilue was used in the study of nucleolar organizer regions (Ag-NORs) in paraffin sections of 40 meningiomas. The specimens were devided into three groups as follows : typical (n=24), atypical (n=8) and recurrent (n=8) groups, and the mean number of Ag-NORs was evaluated in three groups. The mean Ag-NORs number (mean±S.D.) of typical, atypical and recurrent group was 1.48±0.14,1.82±0.16 and 2.05±0.23 respectively. The mean Ag-NORs number ofatypical and recurrent groups was significantly greater than that of typical group. These results suggest that the proliferative potential of menin-giomas and the risk of recurrence could be evaluat-ed by quantification of Ag-NORs.

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