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抄録 脳梗塞の治療においては,病態の進展を阻止せしめる薬剤の選択が重大な課題である。多くの薬剤の中から顕著な効果を有する薬剤を選ぶためには,簡易で恒常性のある実験系—screening testを実施することにより,薬剤効果の大筋を把握することが可能である。今回我々は,miceに4%O296%N2混合ガスをexposeすることにより低酸素負荷を行い,呼吸停止までの時間(survival time:ST)の長短を指標として各種薬剤の効果について検討した。control群(n=110)のSTは170±6secであり正規分布に近く,8分以上の生存は皆無であった(mean±S. E.以下同様)。これに対してsuloctidil投与群1,833±487sec (12.5mg/kg,n=11),vitamin E投与群1,160±342 sec (200mg/kg,n=15), pentobarbital投与群602±74sec (50mg/kg, n=12)およびphenytoin投与群2,667±452 sec (100mg/kg, n=10)であった。一方,vitamin C, coenzyme Q, cytochrome c, betamethasone, mannitol, germanium−132を投与した群においてはSTの延長はみられなかった。1時間以上生存した動物の比率は,control群が0%であるのに対し,suloctidil投与群45.5%(12.5mg/kg), vitamin E投与群23.5%(200 mg/kg), pentobarbital投与群0%(50mg/kg), phenytoin投与群70%(100 mg/kg)であった。以上によりphenytoinの低酸素状態における優れた効果が示唆された。
In the treatment of cerebral infarction, it is importamt to select drugs for inhibiting develop-ment of the pathology. In order to select markedly effective drugs among many drugs, it is possible to grasp the outline of drug effects by means of an experimental system with simplicity and regu-larity—a screening test. In the present study, we induced a hypoxic load by exposing mice to a gas mixture consisting of 4% O2 and 96% N2, and investigated the effects of various kinds of drugs with reference to the survival time (ST : mean ±SE), the time until the respiratory arrest of the mice. In the control group (n=110), ST was 170±6 sec. with a normal distribution, and no mice thatsurvived for eight minutes or more after the load were found. In cntrast, ST was 1, 833 ±487 sec in the suloctidil-treated group (12.5 mg/kg, n=11), 1,160 ±342 sec in the vitamin E group (200 mg/kg, n=15), 602 ±74 sec in the pentobarbital group (50 mg/kg, n=12) and 2667±452 sec in the phenytoin group (100 mg/kg, n=10). On the other hand, no prolongation of ST was found in the groups to which vitamin C, coenzyme Q, cytochrome c, betamethasone, mannitol or germanium-132 were administered. The ratio of the mice that survived for one hour or more after the load was 0% in the control group, 45.5% in the suloctidil group (12.5 mg/kg), 23.5% in the vitamin E group (200 mg/kg), 0% in the pentobarbital group (50 mg/kg) and 70% in the phenytoin group (100 mg/kg). These results show that phenytoin is markedly effective in animals in the hypoxic state.
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