

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


BRAIN FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH PLATEAU WAVES STUDIED BY COMPRESSED SPECTRAL ARRAY IN LONG-TERM EEG MONITORING Minoru Hayashi 1 , Hidenori Kobayashi 1 , Hirokazu Kawano 1 , Yuji Handa 1 , Masanori Kabuto 1 , Yoshiyuki Noguchi 1 , Naoki Shirasaki 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Fukui Medical School pp.1095-1100
Published Date 1985/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205614
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The intracranial pressure, systemic blood pres-sure and compressed spectral array in EEG mo-nitoring were studied in three patients with typical plateau waves in continuous intracranial pressure recordings. Two patients with brain-tumor and one patient with aqueductal stenosis were in-cluded. The intracranial pressure was recorded through an indwelling ventricular catheter attached to a pressure transducer. The systemic blood pressure was recorded through an intraarterial catheter placed in the femoral artery or the dor-salis pedis artery. To obtain continuous and com-pressed spectral array in the EEG, Berg-Fourier Analyzer by the OET-Biomedica Company of Italy was used. Simultaneous recordings of the intracra-nial pressure, systemic blood pressure and EEG spectral analysis were made for 180 minutes in each patient.

During the plateau waves, the systemic blood pressure did not rise in spite of a marked increase in intracranial pressure, resulting in a marked decrease in the cerebral perfusion pressure. The patients, however, showed no clinical symptoms resulting from ischemia of the brain, such as va-sopressor response and impairment of conscious-ness, but complained only headache. The spect-rograms in these patients were characterized by a constant and predominant activity in the alpha or high frequencies. This structual aspect was re-tained throughout the continuation of plateau wa-ves. The power of low frequencies only appeared transiently. The results suggest that some mecha-nisms producing and maintaining the fast and/or alpha wave activity may participate in the recur-rent appearance of plateau waves.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


