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【抄録】 我々は第1報で,集団治療場面での生活行動特徴から精神分裂病圏患者の生活類型を評価する尺度の作成とその信頼性の確認を行った。本報では本尺度の妥当性を検討した。経験的な生活類型が判明している東大病院精神神経科デイホスピタル在籍症例計50名を本尺度で評価し,その合計評価点により判別点(24点)を設定すると94%が正しく判別できた。さらに同じ判別点を用いて3か所の共同作業所利用者計49名および3か所の保健所デイケア利用者計36名も二群に分けられることから,本尺度の判別的妥当性が示された。さらに本尺度項目を生活類型の概念と比較して内容的妥当性の検証を行い,結果として本尺度が使用に耐えうる妥当性を持つことが示された。
In the previous report, we established a life trait discrimination scale and confirmed the high reliability of the scale (internal consistency, test-retest and inter-rater reliability). In this report, we checked the discrimination validity and content validity of this scale. We summed up the score of each item and defined the total score of the scale.
When we set a point (total score 24) in the scale, we were able to discriminate the life trait of 50 schizophrenics attending a psychiatric day treatment center at Tokyo University Hospital. so called Day Hospital (DH), with 94% accuracy. We checked whether we could apply the same set point for discriminating 49 schizophrenics attending three community workshops and 36 schizophrenics attending three day-care institutes attached to public health centers. The frequency distribution graphs (the horizontal axis was the total score of this scale and the vertical axis was the number of persons) showed that we could divide schizophrenics into two groups by using the same discriminating point (total score 24) in both community workshops and day-care institutes. These results suggest that the life trait discrimination scale has discrimination validity. We also verified content validity by comparing the content of each item to the concept of life trait.
This life trait discriminating scale can discriminate life traits of schizophrenics attending group psychotherapy situations, and therefore can provide useful clinical guidelines for the psychiatric rehabilitation of schizophrenics.
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