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パニック障害とてんかん性不安発作“ictal fear”はともに不安発作が出現する。今回我々はパニック障害43例の臨床的特徴を検討し,以前に兼本らが報告した情動発作を呈した47例のてんかん患者のうち,てんかん性不安発作を呈した41例との比較検討を行った。その結果,パニック障害ではてんかん性不安発作と比較して発症年齢,初診時年齢,予期不安,広場恐怖が有意に高く,続発する意識消失,実体的意識性が有意に低かった。さらに発作持続時間,不安の内容も両者の鑑別点になる可能性があり,詳細な病歴聴取が重要であると考えられた。
The main symptom of panic disorder, as well as of ictal fear is panic attacks. Here, we assessed the clinical characteristics of 43 panic disorder cases and compared them to 41 cases of ictal fear previously reported by Kanemoto, et al. The results showed that the age of onset, age of initial hospital presentation, anticipatory anxiety, and agoraphobia were significantly higher in the panic disorder cases that in the ictal fear cases. However, subsequent loss of consciousness and leibhaftige Bewusstheit were significantly lower in cases of panic disorder than in cases of ictal fear. Furthermore, because the duration of the attack and the subject of the anxiety could be factors that distinguish between panic disorder and ictal fear, it is important to obtain a detailed medical history.

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