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要旨●患者は80歳代,女性.心窩部痛の精査目的のためEGDを施行したところ,十二指腸下行部,乳頭対側のやや口側に20mm大の平皿様の隆起性病変を認めた.病変辺縁は上皮下腫瘍様の立ち上がりを呈し,中央は発赤が目立った.NBI拡大観察では,病変中央の乳頭顆粒状の増殖を呈する領域と,病変辺縁の管状構造を呈する領域を認めた.乳頭顆粒状の増殖を呈する領域は,大小不同の表面微細構造を呈し,窩間部の開大を認めた.粘膜下層浸潤胃型十二指腸癌と診断し,患者のperformance statusを考慮して外科的局所切除術を施行した.病理組織学的所見からtubular adenocarcinoma(tub1>pap),gastric-Brunner gland type,pT1b(SM),Ly0,V0,pHM0,pVM0と診断した.粘膜下層浸潤部で明らかなdesmoplastic reactionを伴っていた.
An 80s woman presented with mild epigastralgia. EGD(esophagogastroduodenoscopy)revealed a reddish elevated lesion that developed like a submucosal tumor with a shallow depression, measuring 〜20mm in diameter, located in the second portion of the duodenum, just proximal to the papilla of Vater. EGD with magnified narrow-band imaging revealed irregular villous or papillary structures on the surface of the lesion. Based on the findings of endoscopy, a diagnosis of a gastric-type duodenal adenocarcinoma invading the submucosa was made. We performed a local wedge resection without regional lymph node dissection, considering the patient's advanced age and overall health status. Pathological examinations of the resected specimen showed tumors with a tubular or papillary structure consisting of cuboidal and columnar cells with lobule-like glands, spread throughout the mucosa and partially invading the submucosa with apparent desmoplastic stromal reactions. The final diagnosis after histopathology was tubular adenocarcinoma(tub1>pap), gastric-Brunner gland type, pT1b(SM), Ly0, V0, pHM0, pVM0. Our case demonstrates the very early process of submucosal invasion of gastric-type adenocarcinomas of the duodenum, with apparent desmoplastic stromal reactions.

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