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要旨 患者は64歳,男性.自覚症状は全くなかったが,人間ドックによる注腸造影検査で,横行結腸に辺縁菊花状を呈し中心に不整なバリウム斑を伴うⅡ+Ⅱc型癌を疑われ入院.内視鏡検査では,隆起を主体とし中央には不整な易出血性陥凹を認めた.切除標本では,大きさ14×12mm,肉眼的にはⅡa+Ⅱc様の病変で,病理組織学的には高分化腺癌を主体とし,一部に中分化腺癌を伴っていた.深達度は粘膜下層中部に至り,脈管侵襲はly2,V0であった.なお,郭清したリンパ節には転移を認めなかった.
A 64-year-old man was admitted to Kitasato University Hospital because a flat elevated lesion in the transverse colon was pointed out by barium enema study performed as a part of medical check-up program. Colonoscopy showed a sessile protruded lesion with central depression. Biopsy specimen showed a Ⅱa+Ⅱc type early cancer, 14×12 mm in size. Histologically, well differentiated adenocarcinoma with moderately differentiated part was seen without an accompaniment by adenoma. Cancer tissues were limited within the submucosal layer of the colon. The extent of vascular invasion was ly2, v0, but no metastasis was found in the resected lymph nodes.

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