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Colonic Tuberculosis on the Ileocecal Valve, Which Developed from a Small Ulcerative Lesion to an Annular Stricture in Two Years, Report of a Case Bun-ichi Itoh 1 , Shozo Okamura 1 , Kose Segawa 1 1Department of Internal Medicine, Toyohashi Municipal Hospital Keyword: 腸結核 , 小潰瘍 pp.1043-1049
Published Date 1998/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403103756
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 A 38-year-old man visited our hospital with his chief complaints being soft stool and fresh anal bleeding. Endoscopy and barium-enema on Apr. 1992 revealed an irregular-shaped ulcerative lesion, about 1 cm in size, located on the ileocecal valve. Biopsy specimen showed epithelioid granulomas and giant cells, but we could not definitely diagnose this legion as tuberculoid and followed it up carefully. In Dec. 1992, the ulcerative lesion on the ileocecal valve had not changed in size or shape, but a new shallow ulcerative lesion of small size had appeared at the cecum opposite the ileocecal valve. In Feb. 1994, the ulcerative lesion on the valve had grown in size in a horizontal direction and had deepened. The ulcerative lesion opposite had also grown in size and in depth. In Jan. 1996, the enlarged ulcers on and opposite the ileocecal valve had developed and formed an annular stricture. In addition, the biopsy specimen showed epithelioid granulomas and Langhans' giant cells, so that we diagnosed colonic tuberculosis. After medication of triple anti-tuberculous drugs (RFP, INH, and EB) for six months, the ulcers on and opposite the ileocecal valve remained as lesion scars, but the annular stricture was unchanged.

Copyright © 1998, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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