

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Endoscopic Diagnosis of m3 and sm1 Cancer of the Esophagus Yoshio Hoshihara 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Toranomon Hospital Keyword: m3・sm1食道癌 , 内視鏡診断 pp.961-968
Published Date 1998/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403103742
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 We evaluated 61 cases of mucosal and submucosal cancer of the esophagus using an electronic endoscope (Fujinon EG410HR and Olympus GIFQ230). The classification of depth of cancer invasion is defined by the Japanese Society of Esophageal Diseases as follows, m1; epithelial cancer and/or mucosal cancer with invasion to the lamina propria mucosae. m2; mucosal cancer with invasion between m1 and m2. m3; mucosal cancer almost and/or already invading the lamina muscularis mucosae. sm1; submucosal cancer with invasion to the first third of the submucosal layer. sm2; submucosal cancer with invasion to the middle third of the submucosal layer. sm3; massive invasion of the cancer to the submucosal layer.

 m1 and m2 cancers showed a shallow depression with flat or fine granular surface, sm2 and sm3 showed a deep depression with granular or nodular surface, and also protrusion with 0-Ⅰsep. In this study there were two shallow depressed m3 cancers with fine granular surface. It was difficult to differentiate them from m2 cancers. The other depressed m3 cancers with deep or granular depression were easily differentiated from m2 and sm1. It was also difficult to differentiate a deepdepressed sm1 cancer with fine granular surface from m3 cancers, but easy to differentiate it from sm2, because depressed sm2 cancers were deeper than it. The other depressed sm1 cancers were deeper than sm3 lesions, but shallower than sm2 and sm3 lesions. In this study we had only a few cases of elevated m3 and sm1 cancers, therefore we couldn't estimate sufficiently their endoscopic characteristics.

Copyright © 1998, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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