

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Molecular Pathological Analysis of Colorectal Carcinomas with Massive Submucosal Invasion and Advanced Carcinomas Shigehiko Fujii 1,2 , Takahiro Fujimori 1 , Masataka Nishi 1 , Tsukasa Kaihara 1 , Tsutomu Chiba 2 1Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology, Dokkyo University School of Medicine 2Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Departmnent of Internal Medicine, Kyoto University, Post-graduate School of Medicine Keyword: 大腸sm massive癌 , 大腸mp癌 , non-protruded type , K-ras , p53 , 接着因子 pp.1363-1370
Published Date 2001/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403103339
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 To clarify the molecular biological characteristics of early colorectal carcinomas massively invading the sub-mucosa (sm) and advanced colorectal carcinomas, we classified 70 cases of massively invading sm carcinomas and 51 cases of carcinomas with invasion of the muscularis propria (mp) into three groups according to tumor diameter as follows: - tumor less than 10 mm, more than 11 mm and less than 20 mm and more than 21 mm in diameter. We also investigated the growth type and K-ras point mutation and made an immunohistochemical study of p53, β-catenin and E-cadherin of those carcinomas.

 The rate of non-polypoid growth type of massive sm carcinomas less than 10 mm in diameter is higher than that of massive sm carcinomas more than 21 mm in diameter (70.8% vs 7.1%; p<0.01). Similarly, the rate of non polypoid growth type of mp carcinomas less than 10 mm in diameter is higher than that of mp carcinomas more than 21 mm in diameter (50.0% vs 8.3%; p<0.05). The rate of massive sm carcinomas less than 10 mm with an adenoma component is lower than that of massive sm carcinomas more than 21 mm with an adenoma component (12.5% vs 57.1%; p<0.05).

 The rate of K-ras mutation of massive sm carcinomas less than 10 mm in diameter is lower than that of massive sm carcinomas more than 21 mm in diameter (11.1% vs 55.6%; p<0.05). None of the mp carcinomas less than 10 mm in diameter showed K-ras mutation. In immunoreactivity of p53 protein, massive sm carcinomas less than 10 mm diameter showed stronger overexpression than massive sm carcinomas more than 21 mm in diameter. In immunoreactivity of E-cadherin and β-catenin, most massive sm carcinomas less than 10 mm in diameter showed decreased membranous expression. Small mp carcinomas showed similar immunoreactivity of p53, E-cadherin and β-catenin.

 Massive sm carcinomas less than 10 mm in diameter and mp carcinomas less than 10 mm in diameter showed similar molecular biological characteristics. These results suggested that sm massive carcinomas less than 10 mm in diameter develop and become small mp carcinomas.

Copyright © 2001, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


