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要旨 直腸悪性リンパ腫23例(MALTリンパ腫9例,濾胞性リンパ腫3例,マントル細胞リンパ腫1例,びまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫4例,T細胞性リンパ腫6例)の臨床病理学的特徴を遡及的に解析した.肉眼型と組織型に相関がみられ,隆起型ではMALTリンパ腫,びまん型・混合型ではT細胞性リンパ腫,MLP型では濾胞性リンパ腫が高頻度にみられた.非外科的治療群(化学療法,放射線,抗菌薬,無治療 ; n=15)と外科的切除群(n=8)では予後に差はなかった.多変量解析の結果,組織学的低悪性度(indolentリンパ腫)がoverall survivalおよびevent-free survival(EFS)のいずれにおいても独立した予後良好因子であった.穿孔,B症状,B/T免疫表現型,臨床病期はEFSのみを規定する要因であった.
The clinicopathological features of 23 patients with malignant lymphoma of the rectum were retrospectively analyzed. Histologically, 9 cases were classified as MALT lymphoma, 3 as follicular lymphoma, 1 as mantle cell lymphoma, 4 as diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and 6 as T-cell lymphoma. Six of 8 cases(75%)of polypoid form on macroscopy were MALT lymphomas, while 6 of 9 cases(67%)of diffuse or mixed forms were T-cell lymphomas. In addition, 3 of 4 cases(75%)of lymphomatous polyposis type were follicular lymphomas. The overall survival(OS)and the event-free survival(EFS)did not differ between patients who were treated non-surgically(watchful waiting, antibiotics, chemotherapy or radiotherapy ; n=15)and those treated by surgery(n=8). Cox multivariate analysis revealed that indolent histology(MALT lymphoma or follicular lymphoma)was an independent prognostic factor for both OS and EFS. Intestinal perforation, B symptoms, B/T phenotype and clinical stage were also independent prognostic factors for EFS, but not for OS.

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