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要旨 ESD切除胃腺癌221病変を用いて,その切除成績,分割切除例の特徴,切開断端に発生する組織熱変性の範囲,および内視鏡医による範囲診断困難例の特徴につき,臨床病理学的立場から検討した.221病変の一括完全切除率は84.2%(186/221病変)であった.一方,分割切除率は5.4%(12/221病変)で,肉眼型別のそれは隆起型10.3%(8/78病変),陥凹型3.0%(4/135病変)と前者に有意に高かった(p<0.05)がその原因は明らかでなかった.また潰瘍瘢痕合併は分割切除の危険因子ではなかった.対象とした全64病変の切開断端に生ずる熱変性の範囲は平均1,203μm長で,部位別ではU領域(1,515μm)のそれが最も長く,次いでM領域(1,241μm),L領域(1,153μm)の順であり,U領域とL領域のそれの間には有意差を認めた(p<0.05).病変範囲診断困難例の特徴としては,①大きな病変(31mm≦),②平坦型(IIb)もしくは平坦な領域(随伴IIb)を有する病変,③低異型度の癌,④粘液形質が胃型もしくは胃型優位胃腸型の病変,および⑤腫瘍腺管が正常上皮に覆われている部位を有する病変などが挙げられた.このうち,④か③の特徴を有する癌が範囲診断困難例の約9割を占めていた.以上の結果より,(1)一括完全切除率は確かに高率であるが,まだまだ診断・技術の向上の余地が残されている,(2)十分な病理学的検索に耐える標本を得るためには,病変範囲より2.0mm以上の余裕のある距離をもって切除されることが望ましい,(3)胃型形質もしくは低異型度の病変は範囲診断困難となりやすい,と結論した.
We investigated clinicopathologically the curability of 221 cases treated with ESD and measured the distance of burn degeneration at the cut ends to obtain a safety margin. We also evaluated pathologically the characteristics of lesions with obscure margins.
Complete one-piece resection rate was evaluated as 84.2% (186/221), and piecemeal resection rate was 5.4% (12/221). The piecemeal resection rate of elevated type cancers〔10.3% (8/78)〕was significantly higher than that of the depressed type cancers〔3.0% (4/135)〕(p<0.05).
The mean width of burn degeneration at the cut ends was 1,203μm. Compared with that of the other areas, the width of burn degeneration at the cut ends in the U-region was the longest (1,515μm).
The clinicopathlogical characteristics of lesions with obscure margin were as follows : ( 1 )large lesions (31 mm≦), ( 2 )flat lesions or those with a flat area, ( 3 )adenocarcinoma with low-grade atypia, ( 4 )gastric mucin phenotype (G-type) adenocarcinoma or gastric predominant gastric and intestinal mucin phenotype (G>I-type) adenocarcinoma, ( 5 )carcinoma cells invading the middle to deeper portion of the mucosa under normal covering epithelium.
According to the results, it is concluded that complete one-piece resection rate was 84.2%. The safety margin of ESD was evaluated as 2.0mm and gastric cancer with gastric mucin phenotype and cancer with low-grade atypia frequently showed an obscure margin.

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