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要旨:脳卒中上肢麻痺への治療法として,Hybrid Assistive Neuromuscular Dynamic Stimulation therapy(以下,HANDS療法)の有効性が報告されている.しかし,重度上肢痙性麻痺患者に対しては難渋する場合が多い.今回,重度上肢痙性麻痺を呈した亜急性期脳卒中患者へ,A型ボツリヌス毒素製剤(以下,BTX-A)投与後にHANDS療法を実施した結果,上肢機能は改善し,実生活での麻痺手使用が増加した.また,その改善はHANDS療法終了後2ヵ月まで持続した.上記から,重度上肢痙性麻痺患者において,BTX-A投与で痙縮を軽減することで,HANDS療法をより効果的に実施できることが示唆された.
Hybrid Assistive Neuromuscular Dynamic Stimulation (HANDS) therapy has been effective as a treatment for stroke-related hemiplegia. However, the treatment is often difficult for patients with severe upper-extremity spastic paresis. We implemented HANDS therapy after injection of botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) for subacute stroke with severe upper-extremity spastic paresis. As a result, upper-extremity function and real-world arm use improved. The improvement lasted up to two months after the end of HANDS therapy. Thus, injection of BTX-A in conjunction with HANDS therapy might reduce spasticity in patients with severe upper-extremity spastic paresis.

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