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要旨:地域在住女性高齢者59名を対象に,地域型レジスタンス運動での運動強度の違いによる筋力への効果を調べた.対象を,居住する地域によって高強度群33名と中強度群26名に分け,9週間にわたる運動教室を実施した.介入前後で筋力の指標としてArm Curl(以下,AC)とChair Stand(以下,CS)を測定した.両群においてAC・CSとも介入前後で経時効果は認められたが,交互作用は認められなかった.今回の結果より運動強度に違いがあっても筋力増強への同様の効果が認められた.以上のことから,安全面を考慮すると運動強度は中強度の設定でも有用であることが示唆された.
The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of 9 weeks of community-based resistance training of different intensities on muscle performance in elderly females. 59 community-dwelling females (52-82 years) were assigned to a high-intensity training group (HI, n=33) and a low-intensity training group (LI, n=26). Effects of the exercises were evaluated by a muscular performance test (arm curl and chair stand for 30 sec). ANOVA between HI and LI revealed no significant interaction for arm curl and chair stand. In the HI and LI groups, arm curl and chair stand significantly increased by 9 weeks. These results indicate that both training programs are effective in improving muscle performance in community-dwelling elderly females.

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