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With multiple subcortical bipolar elect—rodes sampling the activity of most of the basal ganglia and brainstem, the propaga—tion of a focal epileptic seizure originating in the face motor area has been followed. Both cortical and subcortical spread of dis—charge has been observed and statistically evaluated. The contralateral homologous cortex and ipsilateral putamen are most frequently activated, then the prefrontal cortex, ipsilateral thalamus and globus pal—lidus and contralateral cerebellum.
The generalization of a focal seizure seems related to the progressive involvement of cortical and subcortical structures until a critical mass is involved, when a gene—ralized attack ensues. The reticular for—mation does not seem essential to this ge—neralization.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.