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シャント性心疾患の外科治療を考える際に最も軍要な要素は肺血管床の状態,すなわち機能的には肺血管抵抗(pulmonary vascular resistance:PVR)であり,形態的には肺血管閉塞性病変(pulmonary vascular obstructivedisease;PVOD)である。PVODが進行し,PVRが上昇するにつれ,当初は左—右シャント優位であった心内シャントが次第に右—左シャント優位に変化していくが,このシャントが逆転した状態をEisenmenger synd—romeという。こうなればもはや手術適応はなく治療は対症療法にとどまらざるを得ないため,早期に心カテーテル検査を行い手術することが重要である。しかし,患者が手術を希望しなかったり病気の発見が遅れたり等の理由で時間が経過し,心カテーテル検査を行った時点で手術適応の判断が容易ではない症例に遭遇することは必ずしもまれではない。このような時には肺生検によってPVODの程度を検討し,これによって手術適応の有無を判断することもしばしば行われる。
The evaluation of pulmonary vascular obstructive disease (PVOD) by lung biopsy specimens are established as useful adjunctive means in the assess-ment of operability in patients with congenital cardiac defects. We experienced a case with atrial septal defect, and her pulmonary arterial mean pres-sure (PAm), pulmonary to systemic flow ratio (Qp/ Qs), pulmonary vascular resistance (Rp), and pulmo-nary to systemic resistance ratio (Rp/Rs) were 51 mmHg, 1.25, 10.2 U, and O.46 respectively. Lung biopsy revealed Heath-Edwards Grade 4 PVOD (ple-xiform lesions). She was successfully operated upon with subsequent improvement in subjective sympto-ms, hypoxemia, cardiomegaly, and ECG evidence of right ventricular overload. Cardiac catheterization one month after the operation showed that the PAm, Rp, Rp/Rs were 38 mmHg, 5. 2 U, O. 32 respectively. The hemodynamic data two years later were essen-tially unchanged. Although the presence of plexi-form lesions are generally believed to indicate that the patients are inoperable, our experience (and some others) suggest that there may be operative indications even in the presence of advanced PVOD in patients with congenital cardiac defects.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.