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要旨 盲腸の限局性病変で発見され,その数か月後に全大腸にびまん性にアフタ様病変が拡がる,興味ある経過を示したCrohn病(疑診)の1例を経験した.盲腸に発症したCrohn病の報告は数少ないが,同部位に限局し経過することが多く,外科的治療後の再発・再燃が少ないとされている.しかし,自験例は短期間のうちに全大腸にわたるアフタ様病変の進展・増悪を認めた点で,これまでの報告とは異なっていた.盲腸Crohn病も他部位Crohn病と同様,全大腸に炎症が拡大する可能性があることが明らかになった点で貴重な1例と思われた.
We experienced an interesting case of Crohn's disease (suspicious) originally confined to the cecum, which extended to the entire large intestine during the clinical course. Crohn's disease originated in the cecum is rare, however, few cases with extension of the disease and post-operative recurrence have been reported. Our case was peculiar in that extension and exacerbation of the disease occured in a short period. Our case showed that Crohn's disease of the cecum as well as that of other sites could extend to the entire large intestine.

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