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要約 目的:網膜中心静脈閉塞(CRVO)に伴う黄斑浮腫に対するラニビズマブ硝子体注射(IVR)の効果の報告。対象と方法:CRVOに伴う黄斑浮腫にIVRを行い,6か月間以上観察可能であった12例12眼を対象とし,初回IVR後1,3,6か月の視力と中心網膜厚,追加治療について検討した。対象の内訳は初回治療眼が8眼,ベバシズマブからの切り替え例が4眼である。結果:全症例におけるIVR前の視力の平均logMAR値は0.72で,治療1,3,6か月後には0.43,0.37,0.35と有意に改善した。治療前の中心網膜厚は610.7μmで,治療1,3,6か月後には287.9μm,330.2μm,281.5μmと,いずれも有意に改善した(p<0.01)。注射回数は平均3.0回であった。6か月後に小数視力0.5以上となった症例は全体の58%を占めた。結論:短中期的にはCRVOの黄斑浮腫の軽減と視機能の改善にIVRは有効である。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of intravireal injection of ranibizumab(IVR)for macular edema in central retinal vein occlusion(CRVO)in the Japanese. Cases and Methods:This retrospective study was made on 12 eyes of 12 patients with CRVO. Eight cases were treatment-naïve and 4 cases were switched from intravitreal bevacizumab. Each eye received 0.5 mg IVR, to be repeated as necessary. Visual acuity was evaluated as logMAR. Cases were followed up for 6 months after initial IVR. Results:Best corrected visual acuity(BCVA)and central foveal thickness averaged 0.72 and 610.7μm respectively before treatment. After 6 months of treatment, BCVA and central foveal thickness averaged 0.35 and 281.5μm respectively. The differences were significant(p<0.01). The number of IVR sessions averaged 3.0. Final BCVA in digits was 0.5 or over in 7 eyes(58%). Conclusion:IVR was effective for macular edema secondary to CRVO up to 6 months.

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